And the bread is rising....
So how did my bread turn out...pretty good actually, not terribly tangy yet, but that will come as the starter ages. It also took a long time to rise, but again that will improve with time, I think the general flavour and texture of bread is improved with slow rising, I guess its just a little bit difficult to make unless you going to be around the house for a good chunk of the day. Lucky I was and I combined the day of "making stuff" by catching up on some well needed cheesemaking...I say that because I find making cheese an extremely meditative and also well needed because I have a backlog of people waiting for some cheese! I made brie, fetta, haloumi and ricotta. The haloumi will form part of dinner tonight, while I will marinate the fetta in a few days. The brie will take 3-4 weeks before it is ready.
Brie! I love it, but you really can't find a really good brie in the Arizona desert! Sure we have a few specialty shops, but they are usually in Scottsdale (where the upper crust lives). Enjoyed reading your blog, just wanted to leave a note and say hello from Arizona!
12:59 AM
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